English Speech: “Learning English is Interesting”

image learning english is interestingFree download: English Speech Scripts. Title: “Learning English is Interesting”. Duration: 5-10 minutes. Scripts: pdf, written and uploaded by har @2011, intended to be used for Indonesian students (SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/University).


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable adjudicators;
Distinguished teachers;
Dear participants and all my friends…

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT for His blessings that enable us to gather here. Secondly, may peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us into the right ways of life.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
Sisters and Brothers…

In this good opportunity, I would like to give an English speech entitled: “Learning English is Interesting”.

As an international language, English is widely spoken by people around the world. It is also the most commonly used language in sciences, books, magazines, newspapers and other media of news and entertainments. Because of its important role, English is considered as one of the most popular language subjects in many countries, including in our country: Indonesia.

For many years, English has been a compulsory lesson in Indonesia’s secondary schools. Its main purpose is to make students able to compete in the globalization era. The mastery of English will enable students to continue their study to university or hunt for jobs. In wider scope, it is for the sake of developing our country and interacting in international relationship.

Ladies and Gentlemen…

Eventhough English is considered as a very important subject in school, the fact shows that it is still viewed as one of the most difficult lessons to learn. Students do not enjoy English class. They feel bored and afraid of participating actively in teaching-learning process. They sometimes hate English and are not interested to learn it seriously. That is why, many students graduating from senior high schools still cannot speak English well. In fact, they have been learning English for more than six years, since they were at elementary schools…

To download the script completely, click here ››…

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