English Material: Relative Pronouns; that, who, whose, to whom, of which

image relative pronounsDownload: English materials; topic: relative pronouns, e.g. that, who, whom, whose, which, to whom, of which, from which. File: pdf. The explanation of the materials uses Bahasa Indonesia. This file is intended to be used by Indonesian students as the preparation for taking English tests, such as national exam and University entrance tests.
Here is the excerpt of the file.
Inilah kutipan file-nya:

  • Ringkasan: Relative Pronouns adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa/kalimat. Misalnya: that, who, whom, whose, which.
  • Bahasan Materi:
  • Relative Pronouns Tunggal / Satu Kata; misalkan: that, who, whom, whose, which.
  • Relative Pronouns Kombinasi/Gabungan; misalkan: to whom, for whom, of which.
  • Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan.

Download the file (Relative Pronouns), in pdf, click here»…

Pembahasan dan Kunci Jawaban UN SMK 2013 – Bahasa Inggris

image soal un smk 2013 pembahasan ingDownload: Pembahasan dan kunci jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMK 2013, meliputi Listening Section dan Reading Section. Jenis file: pdf. Upload by ©2014 soehaarrr.com.

Jika Anda belum memiliki soal dari pembahasan berikut, silahkan download terlebih dahulu soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMK 2013 di sini»… . Untuk Listening Section (Audio and Transcript), silahkan download di sini»…

Berikut ini beberapa cuplikan dari file Pembahasan:


1. D. They are practising musical instruments.

4. B. That’s a good idea.

16. PEMBAHASAN: Penanda atau ciri-ciri >> ada kata than (daripada), merupakan penanda Comparative Degree (tingkat perbandingan “lebih”), maka perbandingan kata sifat sebelum than menyatakan tingkat lebih, yang seharusnya ialah “worse” (lebih buruk), bukan the worst (paling buruk).
JAWAB: D. the worst (seharusnya worse).
28. PERTANYAAN: Kata yang digarisbawahi (officially) memiliki arti yang dekat/sama dengan ….
PEMBAHASAN: Officially = Formally (secara resmi/formal).
JAWAB: B. formally.

  • Download selengkapnya, Pembahasan dan Kunci Jawaban UN SMK 2013, Bahasa Inggris (revised file) silahkan klik di sini»…


Exam Preparation, Natural Disasters: Mount Kelud Erupts

National Exam preparation exercises. Grade: SMP/MTs. Title/Topic: Natural Disasters; Mount Kelud Erupts. (Latihan-latihan soal persiapan Ujian Nasional. Jenjang: SMP/MTs. Judul/Topik: Bencana Alam; Gunung Kelud Meletus).

Read the following text and answer questions no. 1 – 3.

images_ mount keludThousands of people were evacuated after Mount Kelud on densely populated Java island erupted, spewing ash and raining gravel. The mountain, located in Kediri regency in East Java province, erupted on Thursday, about 90 minutes after authorities raised its status to the highest level. About 200,000 people living in 36 villages within 10 kilometers (6 miles) of the crater had to be evacuated.There were no immediate reports of casualties.

Media reports said the eruption unleashed volcanic material to up to 10 kilometers (6 miles) of the crater. A series of huge blasts unleashed stones and gravel, causing panic among villagers who immediately fled to safer areas.

In 1990, Kelud kicked out searing fumes and lava that killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds. In 1919, a powerful explosion that reportedly could be heard hundreds of miles away killed at least 5,160.

Mount Kelud, 1,731-meter or 5,680-feet, is among about 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia, one of the world’s largest archipelago nations. It is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location on the so-called “Ring of Fire” — a series of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

1. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. Mount Kelud eruption.
B. Villagers evacuation.
C. Active volcanoes.
D. Ring of Fire

INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum teks.
PEMBAHASAN: Paragraf-paragraf dalam teks tersebut membahas hal-hal yang terkait dengan letusan Gunung Kelud. Paragraf 1 pembahasan utama evakuasi penduduk karena Gunung Kelud meletus. Paragraf 2 laporan media tentang material vulkanik akibat letusan. Paragraf 3 sejarah letusan Gunung Kelud yang terjadi pada tahun 1919 dan 1990. Paragraf terakhir (ke-4) membahas bahwa Gunung Kelud merupakan salah satu gunung berapi di Indonesia yang masih aktif dan berada di lokasi “Cincin Api” (Ring of Fire). Dengan demikian gambaran umum dari teks di atas adalah letusan Gunung Kelud.

2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Indonesia is one of the world’s largest archipelago nations.
B. Mount Kelud is among about 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia.
C. It is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
D. “Ring of Fire” stretches from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

INDIKATOR: Menentukan pikiran utama paragraph.
PEMBAHASAN: Pikiran utama dari paragraph terakhir (ke-4), terletak pada kalimat utama: “Mount Kelud is among about 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia” (Gunung Kelud termasuk di antara 130 gunung berapi di Indonesia yang masih aktif). Sedangkan kalimat-kalimat lainnya merupakan penjelas atau anak kalimat dari pernyataan tersebut.

3. “ … villagers who immediately fled to safer areas.” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word has closest in meaning to …..

A. lately
B. worriedly
C. directly
D. enthusiastically

INDIKATOR: Menentukan makna kata.
PEMBAHASAN: Kata yang digarisbawahi (immediately) memiliki arti yang sama dengan “directly” (dengan segera/langsung dilakukan).

Download: A Collection of Folktales

image folktale_Free Ebook Download: a collection of folktales as a reading material for building students’ English vocabulary. Genre: narratives. Grade: intended to use for Indonesian students, Junior and Senior high school students (SMP/SMA). Files: e-book, pdf. Upload by soehaarrr @soehaarrr.com, April 2013.

This collection contains 30 folktales that can be used as resources for English teachers in teaching reading comprehension, particularly regarding text types or genres. The folktales in this book may also become reading exercises for the students of SMP/SMA to prepare for National Exam (Ujian Nasional) since there is one of the stories appearing in the past national exam (Qui Jun and the Arrogant Monk, page 53).

Here is one of the folktales in the collection (page 48):


Eagle was a strange creature. He got his fun out of teasing and frightening the little birds. Even when he was not hungry, he would  soar  through  the  sky and  swoop  down  on  some unsuspecting  birds  and  pretend  to  prey  on  them.  The poor little birds would cower with fear and try to fly away.

Eagle would then burst into an ear-piercing laugh and flap his wings disdainfully. “I am the King of the sky! How scared you all are of me,” he would exclaim.

The birds did not like Eagle and they all thought he was very mean, for the other eagles swooped down on the smaller birds only when they were hungry.

Once it so happened that a flock of pigeons was flying in the sky and Eagle   decided   to scare them. He came swooping down on them from out of the blue.  The pigeons shrieked and scattered in different directions.

Just then Eagle’s sharp ears caught a whizzing sound. He turned around and saw its source: an arrow! Sure that the arrow was not meant for him but for the pigeons, Eagle just turned away. But the pigeons had flown out of the way!

“Swick!” The arrow struck Eagle right in the heart and he started fluttering to the ground. “Oh no, I don’t want to die,” said Eagle, “I have so many years more to live…” But he was losing his blood very fast. He fell to the ground with a thud and with dying eyes looked at the killer arrow.

It was decorated with one of his own feathers! “Oh God, no!” said Eagle, as he died.

To start downloading this collection of folktales completely, click here»…


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Exam Preparation, Recount Text: Bad Experience

image metal detectorNational Exam preparation exercises. Grade: SMP/MTs. Text: Recount. Title/Topic: A Bad Experience. (Latihan-latihan soal persiapan Ujian Nasional. Jenjang: SMP/MTs. Teks: Recount. Judul/Topik: Sebuah Pengalaman Buruk).


I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant’s fault. However, the security officer of the shop really embarrassed me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.

That was on Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me, “Hey, you…! Stop!!”  Then, he took me to the manager’s room.

After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.

1. What does the text talk about?

A. The writer’s fault at the blue jeans shop.
B. The writer’s bad experience at a fashion shop.
C. The shop assistant’s activity.
D. The security officer’s fault.

  • INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum.
  • PEMBAHASAN: Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut menceritakan pengalaman buruk Si Penulis ketika berbelanja (shopping). Hal ini bisa dilihat dari paragraf-paragraf dalam teks. Pada bagian orientation, paragraf pertama, dibuka dengan pernyataan “I had a bad experience…” (Saya mendapatkan pengalaman buruk… dst.) Kemudian pada bagian series of events, paragraf ke-dua, diceritakan serangkaian kejadian/peristiwa tentang karyawan/pelayan toko yang lupa melepaskan klip sehingga detector berbunyi. Pada bagian akhir, re-orientation, diceritakan manager toko tersebut meminta maaf atas kejadian buruk yang menimpa Penulis.
  • JAWAB: B

2. “She forgot to take the censor clip…”
What does the underlined word refer to?

A. The writer.
B. The shop assistant.
C. The security officer.
D. The manager.

  • INDIKATOR: Menentukan rujukan kata.
  • PEMBAHASAN: Kata “She” dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk atau sebagai kata ganti dari ‘karyawan toko’. Dengan demikian, kalimat tersebut memiliki pengertian “Karyawan toko tersebut lupa mengambil/melepas klip sensor…”
  • JAWAB: B

3. Why did the detector beep?

A. The security officer shouted at the writer.
B. The security officer took the writer to the manager’s room.
C. The shop assistant forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans.
D. The shop assistant found that the writer stole a pair of blue jeans.

  • INDIKATOR: Menentukan informasi tertentu.
  • PEMBAHASAN: Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ke-dua yang menyatakan “She forgot to take the censor clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped.” (Dia lupa melepas klip sensor pada celana jeans tersebut. Jadi ketika saya meninggalkan toko itu, detector pun berbunyi).
  • JAWAB: C

Download the file in pdf, click here>> …


Modules for Teaching English Language Skills

image teaching speakingFree downloads: Modules for teaching English language skills, intended for use in teaching  English in Indonesia, particularly for Junior/Senior High Schools (SMP/SMA). These modules contain methodological references and guidelines for teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Source: Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel (CDETEP), Ministry of National Education.

Module 1: Teaching Listening. Listening is the basis for the development of all other skills and the main channel through which the student makes initial contact with the target language and its culture. Through active listening, students acquire vocabulary and syntax, as well as better pronunciation, accent and intonation. Though listening skill is very important, for some language learners it is considered to be the most difficult language skill… more › download here…

Module 2: Teaching Speaking. Speaking is a productive skill. It cannot be separated from listening. When we communicate we convey the message, which is meaningful. It comes from the meaning, which is expressed in the form of speech act. In teaching speaking teachers should know the concept of speaking, the element of the sound for instance phonemes because it seems the teachers still find difficulties in pronouncing them based on the classroom observation during the upgrading and it is important for teachers to pronounce correctly since they should be a good models for their students. The teachers also still have problems of understanding and applying models of learning and teaching, and various techniques of teaching speaking… more › download here…

Module 3: Teaching Reading. This supplementary material is developed to provide underlying resources for English teachers in improving their teaching competence and language proficiency in the framework of continuous professional development. This material specifically is intended to provide clear information of all aspects in reading and how to bring it in the classroom as well. Those aspects cover the levels of comprehension, text types and text situation. By having prompt perspective, the English teacher will be able to implement better teaching practices, reflect it continually, and recording in the form of classroom action research. Ultimately this experience can be dedicated to have continuous professional development… more › download here…

Module 4: Teaching Writing. Writing is transforming thoughts into language; it means that we need to think about the content of our writing first and then arrange the ideas using appropriate language (e.g. grammar and vocabulary). Consequently we must learn about organizational skills in writing. It also involves several sub-skills. Some of these are related to accuracy, i.e. using the correct forms of language. Writing accurately involves spelling correctly, forming letters correctly, writing legibly, punctuating correctly, using correct layouts, choosing the right vocabulary, using grammar correctly, joining sentences correctly and using paragraphs correctly… more › download here…

Module 5: Teaching Mixed Ability Classes. All classes are heterogeneous or in the other term “mixed ability classes”, especially in secondary schools most classes have a wide range of levels and abilities. Developing a teaching approach to deal with such diversity in one class seems to be almost impossible demand. By knowing of teaching mixed ability classes teacher will have fresh point of view to look at the mixture of skills and abilities as a factor and suggesting some approriate teaching approaches and strategies and also teachers will able to modify material to make it suitable for a range of abilities… more › download here…

More downloads: Articles, Tutorials, Modules and E-Books, click here »…


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Materi Bahasa Inggris: have, have got, have to dan have got to

Free download. Materi Bahasa Inggris:  have, have got, have to, have got to. Grade: SMP/Mts/SMA/MA/SMK. File pdf.

1). Have dan have got

“Have got / has got” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “have”. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia sering diartikan: mempunyai, memiliki, mendapatkan, mengalami.
I have a new car          = I have got a new car (I’ve got a new car)
She has a toothache   = She has got a toothache (She’s got a toothache)

Kata have got / has got lebih sering dipakai dalam situasi informal, misalkan dalam percakapan sehari-hari atau dialog di film. Penggunaan have dan have got dalam kalimat positif, negatif dan interogatif sebagai berikut…  download selengkapnya »klik di sini…

2). Have to dan have got to

“Have got to/ has got to” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “have to” dan “must”. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia sering diartikan: “harus” (obligation) atau “pasti” (certainty).
Pola :  must / have to / have got to +  Verb1

Contoh penggunaan have to, have got to dan must sebagai berikut…  download selengkapnya »klik di sini…

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