Latar Belakang dan Kronologi Penghentian Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

Logo Kurikulum 2013Penghentian pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 berdasarkan Surat Edaran Mendikbud Anies Baswedan tertanggal 5 Desember 2014 dan Permendikbud No. 160 Tahun 2014, terus menjadi perdebatan. Gebrakan Mendikbud yang dilantik Presiden Joko Widodo pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2014 tersebut banyak mendapatkan apresiasi dari kalangan pendidik dan pemerhati masalah pendidikan. Setelah satu tahun menjadi polemik, akhirnya Mendikbud memutuskan menghentikan implementasi K 13, dan hanya melaksanakan secara terbatas pada sekolah-sekolah tertentu yang memenuhi standar pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013.
Jika dicermati, sebagian besar guru menyetujui keputusan tersebut karena pada dasarnya masih banyak aspek yang harus diperbaiki dalam Kurikulum 2013. Sedangkan yang kontra, menilai keputusan tersebut tergesa-gesa dan merupakan langkah mundur. Pro dan kontra adalah hal yang wajar, yang penting berpijak pada alasan perbaikan pendidikan. Namun, menjadi tidak wajar jika ternyata alasan ketidaksetujuan terhadap penghentian K 13 ialah karena “uang”, seperti disinyalir ada beberapa daerah dan kepala dinas tetap memaksakan pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 dengan alasan khawatir dana yang sudah dianggarkan dalam Anggaran dan Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) tidak jadi atau batal cair.

Berikut ini latar belakang dan kronologi penghentian pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 (sumber: kemendikbud):


Januari 2013: (Era Mendikbud Muh. Nuh) Pembentukan tim penyusun Kurikulum 2013 berdasar Surat Keputusan Mendikbud No. 015/P/2013.

April 2013: Inspektur Jenderal Kemdikbud berkirim surat kepada Mendikbud memperingatkan bahwa apabila persiapan belum diyakini maka pelaksanaan kurikulum baru perlu ditunda mengingat waktu yang semakin sempit.

Juli 2013: Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di 6.221 sekolah sasaran. Persiapan guru inti dan sasaran dengan menerapkan pelatihan berjenjang selama lima hari dan bersamaan dengan waktu dimulainya Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Buku Kurikulum 2013 belum siap, kecuali tiga buku yang sudah selesai ditulis untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika dan Sejarah.

September 2013: Survei persepsi terhadap kepala sekolah, guru, orangtua dan siswa di sekolah sasaran, dua bulan sesudah Kurikulum 2013 diterapkan. Tidak ada lagi survei/evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 sampai akhir Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 selesai.

Juli 2014: Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di seluruh sekolah.

Agustus 2014: Buku semester 1 belum terdistribusi di lebih dari 60.000 sekolah.

Oktober 2014: Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 159 Tahun 2014 untuk mengevaluasi Kurikulum 2013 secara menyeluruh baru dikeluarkan pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2014, sesudah penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di seluruh sekolah dilakukan.

27 OKTOBER 2014: Pergantian Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dari Muh. Nuh ke Anies Baswedan.

November 2014: Per tanggal 25 November 2014, buku semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 belum diterima di 19% kabupaten/kota untuk tingkat SD, 32% kabupaten/kota untuk tingkat SMP, dan 22% kabupaten/kota untuk tingkat SMA dan SMK.

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Commemorating the Youth Pledge: Recharge our Mindset!

youth pledge imageThis year, the commemoration of the Youth Pledge Day seemed to be neglected by the people of Indonesia. Only a few schools and institutions which celebrated it by carrying out flag raising ceremonies. The Indonesia’s government was likely to give less attention to the historical moment that marked the willingness of Indonesian youth to fight together for the Independence of Indonesia. In fact, the moment known as Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda) was one of the important stages in Indonesian history during struggling against colonialism. The youth pledge indicated that the youth coming from different regions and ethnics all over Indonesia had a same desire: unity as Indonesian people.

It was 85 years ago. Indonesian youth held a congress in Batavia (Jakarta) to discuss the future of Indonesia. In the last session of the congress, on October 28, 1928, the Indonesian youth declared that they would be united under one motherland, one nation, and one language: Indonesia. The congress was also closed by singing the national anthem: Indonesia Raya.

Since then, the spirit of the Youth Pledge had inspired Indonesian people, particularly young generation, to be united in struggling for the independence. The Youth Pledge was a manifestation coming from the sense of belonging, solidarity and togetherness as Indonesian people. And the culmination of the Indonesian struggle, the proclamation of the independence on August 17, 1945, could not be separated from the spirit of the Youth Pledge.

Nowadays, there is a question that we must contemplate: is the spirit of the Youth Pledge still in our mind?

Recent facts in our daily life show us that our sense of unity and solidarity has decreased. Violent, bullying, and gang fighting are easy to find around us. Hate and anger explode quickly. Patient and peaceful mind seem to be extinct in solving problem. Hard competition often makes people forget other people’s life.

Another crucial sign that we must give a considerable attention is our young generation. For the last 20 years, inter group fight / gang brawl, or in Indonesian – known as ‘tawuran’, has been a serious problem. More than 100 students have been killed, thousands have been injured, and hundreds of public property as well as vehicles have been damaged in ‘tawuran’ incidents.

Where is our Youth Pledge spirit?

Has it disappeared?

It is now clear that all of us, Indonesian people, should get involved in rebuilding our sense of unity and solidarity. All of us should take part in solving problem regarding our young generation life; for the future of this country is on their hands.

Finally, we need to recharge our mindset with the spirit of the Youth Pledge that we are united under one motherland, one nation and one language: Indonesia.


Reviewing School-Based Curriculum to Succeed the 2013 Curriculum

Logo Kurikulum 2013The new curriculum (2013 Curriculum) for education system in Indonesia has been gradually implemented since the beginning of 2013/2014 academic year, July 2013. The Education and Culture Minister, Muhammad Nuh, said that not all schools would implement the 2013 curriculum. It means that this new curriculum will be carried out in stages, and in 2015 all the schools in Indonesia will have been implementing it, including schools in remote areas.

Although the 2013 curriculum offers significant breakthroughs in improving the quality of teaching and learning process, I personally believe that the success of this curriculum depends on how schools apply it. The key words are teachers and students. They determine whether the curriculum can run well or not. The main concept of the 2013 curriculum is excellent. As an effort to improve the nation’s education quality, the new curriculum integrates science and civic education with religious and moral education. Students should be taught to think creatively. Education should be both accurate and offer the best lesson, and this can be achieved by teaching them to be creative.

But, once again, the result of the 2013 curriculum will be seen from its practice, not only from its theoretical framework.

Regarding the implementation of this curriculum, I would like to track back to the previous curriculum. In my mind, School-Based Curriculum (Indonesian: Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan – KTSP), also known as 2006 Curriculum, is actually good enough for Indonesia’s education system. The curriculum enables schools to develop their teaching learning process creatively in accordance with the condition of their schools and society. But the result of the 2006 curriculum is dissatisfying. It seems there is no great improvement in the quality of teaching learning process. The main cause is, as usual, schools are not ready to apply the concept of school-based curriculum. One of the reasons why this happens is because teachers are not often trained by the Education Department to update and upgrade their ability in teaching. English teachers, for example, are not given sufficient and regular training to apply the concept of the approach used in teaching English. Up to these days, it is admitted that there are many English teachers do not master Genre-Based Approach well.

The following writing is a review of school-based curriculum for English teaching and learning. The aim of this article is to discuss the framework of school-based curriculum; its advantages and disadvantages, and some recommendations how to improve it to integrate and succeed the 2013 curriculum. (Source:, posted by: Elih Sutisna Yanto).


The Framework of The 2006 Curriculum, School-Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan – KTSP)

The spirit of decentralization, as showed by act of local autonomy No. 22, 1999 revised by Act of local Autonomy No.32, 2004 and hand in hand with Act No. 20, 2003 has been seen in the 2006 curriculum (KTSP) launched by government. In this case, education is not merely central government’s responsibility; local government also has responsibility in managing and funding education.

Basically the 2006 curriculum (KTSP) is developed from standard of content by schools based their context and potentiality. Although KTSP varies between one and other schools, government gives some regulations stated in Governmental Regulation (PP) No. 19, 2005 concerning National Standard of Education (SNP) at May 16, 2005 such as standard of content and standard of competence of graduate.

English as stated in standard of content (PERMENDIKNAS No 22, 2006) is learned at elementary two hours in a week (as local content [MULOK] for class IV, V and VI), at junior and senior high school four hours in a week except for language program in SMA – five hours in  a week.

In addition, the standard competence of graduate of English (PERMEN No 23, 2006) for each level is communicative competence in the form of spoken of language accompanying action for elementary school, in the form of spoken and written for achieving functional literacy level for junior high school, in the form of spoken and written for achieving information literacy level for senior high school. Continue reading

Comments on the Postponement of 2013 National Exam

image_ national examThe postponement of 2013 National exam for senior high schools (the 12th-grade students) in 11 provinces has become a hot topic for the last two weeks. The first day of the national exam was scheduled for Monday, April 15, but it was pushed back until April 22. Day two of the exam was administered on April 23, while the third and fourth days of the test were still given on Thursday and Friday, April 18-19. The number of students in the 11 provinces were 1.1 million in 3,601 high schools and 1,508 vocational schools.

Regarding the delay of the national exam, many said that it was caused by the poor-prepared management in Ministry of Education and Culture. As an annual program in Indonesia’s education system, national exam should have been organized well and properly. Some experts also stated that because of the fiasco, the result of the national exam, therefore, could not become a valid evaluation.
Here are some comments from our society concerning on the postponement of 2013 national exam (quoted from The Jakarta Post, paper edition):

  • As the national exam is an annual activity organized by the Education and Culture Ministry, it can be prepared for as early as possible. It is very difficult to understand why the implementation of this year’s exam was so chaotic. I think it was caused by poor management within the central committee, so the minister should be responsible for its implementation. In an era where all activities can be supported by advanced technology, 11 provinces had to delay the exams due to the failure in the distribution of exam materials. The quality of education reflects the progress of the nation. Therefore, the ministry needs to thoroughly assess its failure. (Bambang Utomo, Jakarta).
  • Although the national exam is a routine, annual occurrence, this year it failed to be realized in 11 provinces. Exam material did not arrive on time, which forced the government to postpone the exams in those 11 provinces. Even after the postponement, not all schools — especially in remote areas — received the necessary exam material. In the meantime, other provinces have finished the exams, so the exam material is no longer a secret. It would be better to declare all pupils in those 11 provinces who missed the exams scheduled for last Monday, to have passed the test. They will then be free to compete with other students in their effort to get a job or to continue their studies. (Soebagjo Soetadji, Jakarta)
  • To save the students, the government could declare this a national emergency and allow schools to conduct their own exams. (Subur, Semarang)
  • As a teacher, I know that the preparation for the first distribution of 20 packages of exam materials should be well prepared by professional officials. The government should not force the schools to do something disgraceful. (Hasanah, Purwakarta, West Java)
  • It is the fault of Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh. He should have estimated the time it would have taken for local residents to receive the materials. Lessons should be learned from this to avoid such problems in the future. (Moon Munawaroh)
  • Conditions in the Education and Culture Ministry are shown with this incident. But no one will take responsibility and no open investigation will be carried out. It is an accident, so be it! (Eddy Arjuna Zainy)
  • The Corruption Eradication Commission should immediately focus on this particular case, as there is an unmistakable indication of corruption here. Why is the quality of the answering sheets substandard? Students have difficulty erasing a wrong answer and, as a result, get even more stressed as they might fail their exam because of such imperfections in the paper? The Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA) has already alleged that irregularities occurred during the tender for the printing and distribution of materials for the national exams. This should be investigated immediately. From his past actions and decisions, Nuh has already demonstrated he is totally unfit for the job, but is adept at setting back the general education level for our Indonesian youngsters about a hundred years. The extent of Nuh’s lack of ability and failure to grasp the enormity of the effects of his blunders is shown in his powerlessness to realize the extent of the harm he has done. He can only play the blame game and offer lame excuses. If the President really has the best interests of our present and future generations of children at heart, he should fire this champion of incompetence. (Tami Koestomo)
  • Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh has to step down. (Dien Muhan)
  • When the NASA Challenger 13 exploded they investigated the causes were to avoid the same thing happening again. I hope the same thing happens for this exam fiasco. (E Nurdin, Jakarta).

» What about you, my friends? What do you think of this exam fiasco? Leave your comments and share your opinion with us. Thank you in advance.

Warm regards,




2013 National Exam: 20 Versions

The Education and Culture Ministry, as recently quoted by mass media, will create 20 versions of exam papers for National Exam 2013. It means each student will get different exam paper with their friends although they are in the same room. The previous 2012 national exam consisted of 5 variants of exam papers. This modification is to prevent cheating and force students to work harder. Furthermore, the difficulty of the questions will also be increased.

Thinking about this news, I personally believe that all the methods or ways of evaluating the students’ ability still depend on the honesty among teachers, students and education stakeholders. We may change, modify or upgrade our system of exams, but the most problematic matter we face every year is how we can establish a valid and honest exam/test. Anyway, this 20-variants’ method is a new breakthrough to conduct a better assessment for Indonesian students. At least, students and teachers are warned to prepare for the national exam as well as possible.

Specifically for English test, I do hope the Education and Culture Ministry will change and modify the form of the questions. It has been 3 years, English test in national exam for junior high school emphasized on the understanding of reading texts. The clues of materials, or known as ‘kisi-kisi’, should also contain question variables that encourage students to be able to express their ability in communicative aspects, such as dialogues or conversations.


Indonesia: One of the World’s Tropical Rainforests

The following post is to remind us that our country, Indonesia, is one of the world’s largest tropical rainforests that has an important role in keeping our earth survival. Tropical rainforests, also known as ‘the Earth’s lung’, are mainly located in the equatorial zone (between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). Around 40% to 75% of all biotic species are indigenous to the rainforests. It has been estimated that there may be many millions of species of plants, insects and microorganisms still undiscovered in tropical rainforests. Tropical rainforests have been called the “jewels of the Earth” and the “world’s largest pharmacy”, because over one quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there.

To support ‘Save Our Earth’ campaign, presents an article (written by Denise Tansley @ talking about the importance of tropical rainforest. Please take a time to read it!

Author: Denise Tansley

The Rainforests are the most natural, beautiful, diverse places on this Earth. They are home to many rare birds, plants and animals, contributing around 50 to 80% of the species on this Earth. Today it is termed as. ‘The Lungs of the Earth’ and two thousand years ago, ‘The Gardens of Eden’. Within the last forty years we as a whole have managed to destroy seventy percent of these Ancient Forests.

It takes an average of 300-500 years for a tree to firmly establish its roots with a maximum height for some of the trees reaching 200ft you can easily see why it takes this long and yet minutes to burn. With the size of Wales being destroyed each year for products such as toilet paper, newspaper, writing paper and furniture, the forests are looking more like deserts than the greenery it once was. So where are these forests that we hear so much about, below is a list of them all, many now have been cultivated for land to graze cattle, for roads and of course felled for their timber.

What is the difference between Rainforests and other forests?

Latitude and rainfall distinguish tropical forests from temperate (or moderate climate) forests which are found in warm climates but not too hot to be called tropical. Temperate forests are at ground elevation, mainly in North America, Europe and cooler Australasia. There are many types : deciduous woodland, coniferous woodland, Mediterranean woodland and temperate rainforest.

All tropical rainforests lie between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. They receive more water, being in the monsoon regions. There are many different kinds of rainforest : tropical evergreen, tropical moist deciduous, cloud forest, lowland rainforest and peaty swamp forest.

Rainforests may grow in thin and sterile soil. This is achieved by ample sunlight and water, and nutrients from decaying plant matter. In the warm damp conditions, dead plants rapidly decay and by bacterial or microbial action, the nutrients are released.

The forests are a closed ecosystem where everything is recycled but once these forests are opened, the decaying matter is cleared, the moist conditions disappear and slowly the forest cannot sustain itself.

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Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan di Indonesia

Free download: Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan di Indonesia, oleh Wamendiknas pada Simposium Nasional Penelitian dan Inovasi Pendidikan 2010, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta 3 – 10 Agustus 2010. Jenis file: ppt-pdf. Sumber: Kemendiknas.

Makalah ini berisi beberapa temuan tentang kondisi pendidikan di Indonesia. Beberapa di antaranya: Studi di 12 kota / kabupaten [hal.2]; rasio jumlah siswa dan guru, jumlah jam mengajar di daerah perkotaan, pedesaan dan terpencil [hal.9]; Perbandingan rasio guru dan siswa di Indonesia dengan beberapa negara lain [hal.22].

Selain itu, disajikan pula data dan hasil temuan dari Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) yang mengulas seputar kondisi pembelajaran Matematika: Jumlah jam pelajaran dan prestasi di bidang Matematika di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura [hal.27]; Tingkat penekanan kurikulum dan penggunaan kalkulator [hal.32]. Berikutnya, data-data seputar anggaran dan pengeluaran biaya pendidikan, termasuk perbandingan gaji guru di beberapa negara [hal.49-67].

Data menarik lainnya adalah Ringkasan Laporan Hasil Ujian Nasional 2009/2010 tingkat SMA/MA dan SMP/MTs [hal.88-107], di antaranya: Prosentase ketidaklulusan, nila rata-rata, terendah, tertinggi dan standar deviasi pada UN 2009/2010. Khusus Bahasa Inggris, terdapat pula contoh analisis daya serap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris terhadap materi yang diujikan / Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL).

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